Thursday 8 November 2007

Idea mk. 3 (aka current final idea)

Our current final idea involves just one actor, and relies on mise en scene to tell the story more than the other ideas, but uses it in such a fab way. It is the mise en scene that reveals the story more than the gesture codes, or the script.

there is one central main character. dress code of 1950s gangster/businessman. i'm not too sure on the set dress of the room, but i think that it is mostly plain with one desk in the room. The desk has an old black telephone with a dial on it, and a notebook and a bottle of pills.

It is in black and white.

We see shots of the character from different angles, and shots of in the room, maybe closeups of the phone, or the reciever when he's talking into it.

he talks over the phone about some kind of business, something along the lines of "why weren't you there yesterday when you said you would" or "the money's in the briefcase?". Businessy things like that, but slightly crooked business things, with a slight menacing threatening tone to his voice. After he finishes talking, he walks out of the room, and we get a closeup of the pot of pills, in a modern pillbottle, and a closeup of a wire from the telephone, but it is not connected to anything, it just has a frayed end.

then there is a shot of a calender in the room, which says a 2007 date, and it fades from black and white into colour.

I am just thinking at the moment of how to impliment the credits and title into this, i'm sure we'll think of it soon enough.

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